
Image of my dev blog


A blog for all developers. You can create your account, and start publishing your articles right away. Articles update in real-time and therefore there is no frustration of continually deploying your site once you finish writing a new article.

Technologies : Next.jsTailwindTypeScriptNext-authexpressmongoosenodemailerNodeJSMongoDBreact-markdown

Image of my movies website

Movies Website

If you've read my about page you definitely know that I'm a big fan of movies. I just had to create a site where I can download movies for free and without sooo many ads getting in my way. I hope this site benefits you as it does for me.

Technologies : ReactTailwindTypescriptRest Apidebounce

Image of the vet website

Vet Admin Dashboard

This is an admin dashboard of a vet management system. It incorporates many features such as tracking daily new clients, total revenue generated, number of clients and employees, scheduled appointments, notifications from clients and employees, ability to add new clients and employees, searching and filtering and military grade authentication system just to mention but a few

Technologies : Next.jsTailwindMongooseMongoDBNext-authTypeScript

Image with books that am currently reading

Current Read

This website is for keeping track of books that I'm currently reading. I know I didn't put reading among my hobbies but neither did I put eating, because reading has become an integral part of my lifestyle. Me and books we just love each other. You can download or fork the project and keep track of your own reading list.

Technologies : Next.jsTypeScriptNext-authTailwindNodeJSmongooseMongoDB